Ο Σύνδεσμος Ψυχολόγων Κύπρου έχει επιλεχθεί ο επόμενος διοργανωτής του European Congress of Psychology και η Πάφος είναι ο επόμενος προορισμός για αυτό το μεγάλο συνέδριο. Είναι μεγάλη μας τιμή να έχουμε αυτή την διοργάνωση!
New knowledge through memorable experiences.
Website: https://ecp2025.eu/
Fb page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558809177738

2024-12-20 Submission Deadline Extended to 20th January, 2025
We are happy to announce that the deadline for submitting your abstract for the 19th European Congress of Psychology has been extended until Monday 20th of January, 2025. You can access the submission portal and the abstracts guidelines here, and submit your abstract here. We hope you will consider submitting your research to this year’s congress. |
Important Dates |
Submission of abstracts 20 January 2025 -NEW Notification of acceptance 1 March 2025 Author registration deadline 1 April 2025 Final programme 16 June 2025 |
16-12-2024 Let’s create new knowledge through memorable experiences!
Don’t miss out on your chance to attend a great event housing excellent speakers on hot topics trending in research and practice! Your unique opportunity to contribute to the discussions starts with submitting your abstract. |
Start your Abstract Submission here! |
More Info: https://ecp2025.eu/submissions/Submission Deadline: 31st December 2024 |
Our first Keynote Speakers |
With the aim of providing thought-provoking sessions, our distinguished speakers will present their work and discuss recent developments with participants. Check out our first keynote speakers on trending topics around Europe and the world! |
Prof. Giuseppe Carrus, Department of Education Sciences, Roma Tre University, Italy –Area: Social Psychology, Topic: Climate Change Prof. Marios Avraamides, Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus, Cyprus –Area: Cognitive/Experimental Psychology, Topic: Virtual Reality/Digitalisation Prof. Eirini Flouri, Institute of Education, University College London, UK – Area: Developmental Psychology, Topic: Child Psychopathology Prof. Maria Karekla, Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus, Cyprus –Area: Clinical Psychology, Topic: Mental Health, e-Health, Psychotherapy Dr. Maria João Forjaz, National Center of Epidemiology, Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III, Spain –Area: Epidemiology, Research, Topic: Ageing, Quality of Life More info: https://ecp2025.eu/speakers/ |
Programme Highlights |
Connecting psychological science with the world of policy making is imperative when applying our work for the greater good. At ECP 2025, we will be given the opportunity to attend main stage events such as: how can psychological science contribute to different areas of policy making, climate change, digitalisation, prioritising a European Year of Mental Health, and more! We are pleased to announce that we will welcome the following organisations on stage: |
06-12-2024 Call for abstracts is OPEN until December 31st, 2024
What better present for yourself for the New Year? Advance your career by attending the ECP 2025!
Sharing your work and its impact will help us advance psychological science together. Your opportunity to professional development will take place in Paphos, Cyprus during the ECP 2025, July 1 – 4, 2025. All while enjoying quality time at a historical site by the sea and sun.
Abstracts are due December 31, so get started now!Start your abstract submission here!Need some ideas to get started? Check out the ECP 2025 Thematic Tracks!TYPES OF PROPOSALS
Oral Presentation: traditional 15-minute presentations including brief Q&ASpotlight Presentation: a great opportunity for early career researchers or professionals to present their work in 5 minutes.Symposium: 60 minutes to do 3-4 presentations and discussion on a key topic of interestElectronic Poster: e-format accompanied by a 3-minute video summarizing your research.
Roundtable discussion: this is a good alternative to a symposium for a more interactive session. Up to 6 discussants offering their perspective on an important issue. You will also need a moderator.Workshop: 90, 120, or 180 minutes to address a specific problem, achieve a particular goal, or be trained in a particular methodology used in research or clinical practice.Learn more about the types of presentation here.
We look forward to having you join us next year for an exciting event by the beach!
All proposals must be submitted by midnight EET on December 31st, 2024.

09-11-2024 Student Research Prize
The Scientific Committee for the European Congress of Psychology 2025 invites nominations for the Student Research Prize. The aim of this award is to recognize an outstanding student research project completed as part of a Bachelor or Masters degree, in the form of a dissertation or thesis. The work of the winning student will be featured in an invited “Student Research Prize” speech and will be acknowledged during the Closing Ceremony.
Applications for the “Student Research Prize” will be made through the submissions portal of ECP 2025, where authors can indicate their wish for their work to be considered for the prize.
Applications must be made by the Call for Abstracts deadline of 31 December 2024.
For more information please visit https://ecp2025.eu/call-for-student-research-prize/

25-10-2024 Registration is NOW OPEN
It is with great pleasure that we announce registration for the 19th European Congress of Psychology (ECP) 2025 is NOW OPEN!
Join us at the beautiful Coral Beach Hotel & Resort, Paphos, Cyprus, for an event that will bring together scientists and professionals from around the world to explore the theme: “Transforming Psychological Science: The 2030 agenda”
ECP2025 will provide a unique platform for high quality sessions and discussions, as we collaborate to drive progress in psychological science and highlights its essential role in addressing global challenges. We are excited to bring together renowned speakers and thought leaders wo will inspire and engage participants throughout the event.
In addition to an inspiring scientific program, the congress will offer numerous networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with colleagues and build collaborations to further the reach and impact of your work.
We look forward to welcoming you to Paphos!

26-09-2024 Προκήρυξη θέσεων για αξιολογητές (reviewers)
Η Οργανωτική Επιτροπή του ECP2025 καλεί άτομα που έχουν εμπειρία στην αξιολόγηση των περιλήψεων σε συνέδρια όπως δηλώσουν το ενδιαφέρον τους, συμπληρώνοντας την αίτηση που αναγράφεται στο επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο, μέχρι τις 11 Οκτωβρίου 2024.
25-09-2024 Abstract Submission for Early Review
The 19th ECP Organizing and Scientific Committees are pleased to announce that the abstract submission process is open for early reviews! Submit your abstracts using the following link: https://ecp2025.eu/submissions/
– The deadline for EARLY REVIEW abstract submissions is 31/10/2024
– The notification deadline for early review is 30/11/2024
Inquiries and concerns, email: info@ecp2025.eu
Important Dates |
Early review submission of abstracts 31 October 2024 Early review notification of acceptance 30 November 2024 Submission of abstracts 31 December 2024 Notification of acceptance 1 March 2025 Author registration deadline 1 April 2025 Final programme 16 June 2025 Registration and fees: https://ecp2025.eu/registration/ |
About the call for abstracts |
In choosing our theme, “Transforming Psychological Science: The 2030 Agenda,” we aim to provide a platform where we explore psychological science’s contribution to current and future societal issues in an array of presentations, discussions, and meetings amongst the psychological community and beyond. The key thematic areas follow EFPA’s seven priorities of a unified EU Mental Health Strategy, EFPA’s Fields of Action, and in thinking of where do we, as a community, wish to set our own agenda for the next 5 years by putting psychology at the forefront. |

The goal is to create a forum where we develop “new knowledge through memorable experiences!” Submissions on a variety of topics are welcome, and sessions on a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives encouraged. To help us plan the best programme possible, authors are asked to choose a thematic area that best describes and most closely matches the content of their abstracts. |
Thematic Tracks |
You can submit your abstracts to one of seven thematic tracks Thematic Track 1Psychological science, historical and conceptual issues in psychologyThematic Track 2Human development and educationThematic Track 3Psychology and the social worldThematic Track 4Psychology and the governance of societyThematic Track 5Psychology and human functioningThematic Track 6Psychology in the service of health and well-beingThematic Track 7Supporting developing psychologists Each track contains several sub-themes withing which you can identify your area of expertise and interest. Should you not be able to identify one or find that your abstracts fit more than one sub-themes or tracks, please feel free to choose the one that fits best. |
Why submit your abstract? |
Gives you the opportunity to present your research at the most important European psychology event and to practise your presentation skillsImproves research as it allows for peer reviews and provides opportunities for networking and connecting with colleagues across Europe and the worldProvides access to publishing both your abstract and a full article based on your presentation in the European Journal of Psychology Open |
How to submit your abstract? |
You can find guidelines for abstract submission here: https://ecp2025.eu/call-for-abstracts/.Please read through the guidelines carefully before submitting an abstract.Step 1: Visit the website!Read the guidelinesVisit https://ecp2025.eu/submissions/ |
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Step 2: Create and accountCreate an “EasyAcademia” account through www.easyacademia.orgActivate your account by clicking on the activation link sent to your email.Note: Please check your Spam folder if you have not received the email within a few minutes. |
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Step 3: Start the submission processLog into http://www.easyacademia.org/ecp2025 using the login details you provided at the beginning to create your “EasyAcademia” account.Click on Start a new submission on the top right to enter the submission process. |
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If you still have any questions regarding abstract submission process, please contact info@easyconferences.eu.For questions regarding the scientific programme, please contact info@ecp2025.eu. |
01-07-2024 Call for Abstracts is now OPEN. Present your work at the 19th European Congress of Psychology
Under the central theme of “Transforming Psychological Science: the 2030 Agenda”, the ECP 2025 Scientific Committee (SC) is inviting you to submit an abstract by October 30th, 2024 for Early Review, or December 31st, 2024 for Regular Review. The SC will build a programme of panel discussions, symposia, workshops, and presentations to suit every interest.
The theme recognizes the significance of psychological science’s contribution in a world facing intractable challenges. What role will psychological science play? Where is it most effective? How should psychologists collaborate with the broader society to reach our collective goals as humanity?
The organizers encourage learning from peers, identifying potential partners, and strengthening links between researchers, academics, professionals, policy makers, and other contributors with a vested interest in making well-being central to people’s lives.
Accepted abstracts will be collated in a supplement of the European Journal of Psychology Open.
- For information on the thematic tracks and sub-themes, please visit here.
- For information on submission guidelines, please visit here.
- For information on submissions and submission system, please visit here.
Important dates:
- Call for Abstracts opens: 1st July, 2024
- Early review deadline: 30th October, 2024
- Early review notification deadline: 30th November, 2024
- Submissions deadline: 31st December, 2024
- Abstract notification deadline: 14th March, 2025
To stay up to date with the latest information for ECP 2025, please join the conference mailing list, follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn, or the hashtag #ECP2025.
For scientific content:
Prof. Ioulia Papageorgi
ECP 2025 SC Chair
Email: info@ecp2025.eu
For matters related to abstract submission (system):
Tel: (+357) 22 591 900
Email: info@easyconferences.eu
18-02-2024 1st Formal Invitation to the ECP2025!
Please find here our first formal invitation/newsletter offering an overview of what we aim to achieve and to offer during your attendance of the conference and your stay on the island. In the months to come, we hope to showcase even more details as they are being finalized. Feel free to peruse, visit the website through the link in the document or the QR code, and to sign up for the newsletter to keep in touch and up to date.
If you want to join the conference mailing list, you can do it here!
26-11-2023 – Πρώτη ανακοίνωση: “Νέες γνώσεις μέσα από αξέχαστες εμπειρίες!”
Με μεγάλη χαρά σας προσκαλούμε στο 19ο Ευρωπαϊκό Συνέδριο Ψυχολογίας!
Ως ένας διαρκώς εξελισσόμενος τομέας, η ψυχολογία καλείται να αντιμετωπίσει ορισμένες δυσεπίλυτες προκλήσεις που βασίζονται στην κατανόηση της ανθρώπινης συμπεριφοράς. Από την υγεία και την ευημερία μέχρι την εργασία και την κλιματική κρίση, η ψυχολογική έρευνα μπορεί αναμφίβολα να συμβάλει στην εξεύρεση λύσεων.
Ερχόμενοι κοντά ως επιστήμονες και επαγγελματίες, μπορούμε να ενώσουμε τα χέρια μέσα στην κοινότητά μας, ενώ παράλληλα να αναπτύξουμε μια εξωστρέφεια προς άλλους επαγγελματίες με τους οποίους μπορούμε να ενώσουμε τις προσπάθειές μας για την αντιμετώπιση αυτών των προκλήσεων. Και μπορούμε να το κάνουμε αυτό βάζοντας την ψυχολογία στο επίκεντρο.
Στο συνέδριό μας, θα συγκεντρώσουμε καταπληκτικούς ομιλητές και θα συμμετάσχουμε σε συνεδρίες υψηλής ποιότητας για να προωθήσουμε τον τομέα μας και να αναδείξουμε τη χρησιμότητά του στον κόσμο.
Η Πάφος είναι μια πόλη πλούσια σε ιστορία και πολιτισμό, ένα πραγματικό στολίδι της δυτικής Κύπρου και της ανατολικής Μεσογείου. Το υπόβαθρο της διαπολιτισμικής ανακάλυψης και του διαλόγου της παρέχει ένα μοναδικό πλαίσιο όπου μπορούμε να διεξάγουμε τους δικούς μας ψυχολογικούς διαλόγους.
Το συνέδριο θα πραγματοποιηθεί 1-4 Ιουλίου, 2025, στο ξενοδοχείο Aliathon. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες: ECP | 2025 (ecp2025.eu).
Ανυπομονούμε να σας καλωσορίσουμε!

Υπό την αιγίδα:

Ανυπομονούμε να σας καλωσορίσουμε!
Εκ μέρους της Οργανωτικής Επιτροπής,
Ελένη Καραγιάννη, PsyD
Πρόεδρος ECP 2025