The Fundamental Rights Forum 2016, convened and facilitated by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights1, met in Vienna from 20-23 June 2016. Entitled Rights, Respect, Reality: the Europe of values in today’s world, it addressed the European Union’s pressing fundamental rights challenges. It also exchanged promising practices to better protect and promote human and fundamental rights in Europe. The Forum took place at a moment when Europe must respond to the refugee crisis and rising anxiety about migration, which sometimes manifests itself as discrimination against migrants, alongside widespread failure to achieve social integration, and all of this at a moment when we must engage with the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. The Fundamental Rights Forum 2016 was not so much an event but a process, establishing a platform for discussion among leading experts, policy makers and practitioners from all walks of life. It has stimulated a frank dialogue of a variety of stakeholders, from within and beyond the EU, from duty bearers to rights holders, many of whom rarely engage with each other and whose views may differ. It has led them to identify action points that will help make human rights a reality for everyone in the EU. Read more here.