Neo-PRISM-C\’s conference: Neurodevelopmental Disorders – New Directions

The Neo-PRISM-C Consortium and its coordinating institution, the Center for Applied Neuroscience, are delighted to open a call for abstracts to be considered for the 2023 Final Neo-PRISM-C. The conference’s theme is Neurodevelopmental Disorders: New Directions, and it will be held in person on Wednesday, May 31 -Saturday, June 3, 2023, at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia, Cyprus (Note: Day I is devoted to the consortium’s final actions. Days II and III are open to the public).


The Neo-PRISM-C Final Conference is an excellent venue for learning about what is new in central areas related to difficulties in children from the scope of optimal predictors of neurodevelopment and risk factors within a systems approach. 


In the call for abstracts below, you will find highlights of the upcoming meeting and opportunities to submit abstracts for presentation.

Please join us in Nicosia, Cyprus, for the 2023 Neo-PRISM-C Final Conference!

CyPsA is partner of Neo-PRISM-C.