Nicosia e-Symposium on Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology: Lessons Learned from Across Europe

The Cyprus Psychologists\’ Association (CyPsA) in partnership with the European Federation of Psychologists\’ Associations\’ Standing Committee on Disaster, Crisis and Trauma Psychology is hosting

\”Nicosia e-Symposium on Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology: Lessons Learned from Across Europe\”
Friday, 09|10|2020
, 9:00-13:45 (Nicosia Time, CET +1)

Organized to commemorate the Annual World Mental Health Day
and celebrate the 40 founding years mark of the CyPSA

Organizer: Cyprus Psychologists Association (CyPSA)
Co-Organizer: European Standing Committee on Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology (SCCDT), European Federation of Psychologists Association (EFPA)
Supporters: Center of Applied Neuroscience, University of Cyprus
Convener: Anthi Loutsiou, PsyD, Representative of the Cyprus Psychologists Association to the SCDCT/EFPA, Director of Clinical Training, Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus,

Interested Participants should register their interest online by October 7th 2020 and they will receive a Zoom Link via email to participate.
Registration fees are fully subsidized by the organizers.

Program: Find it here


For more information, contact